I came across this fine Jeremy Corbyn Speech in which he explicitly talks about the ideology of the ruling class which is utterly deflationary to output. It’s from 2010, and shows how clear his understanding of the way the world works, is. It is extremely rare and in my opinion, no politician has come even remotely close to it.
Some excerpts, link below.
I was at the European Social Forum last week and we heard what is happening in Greece, in Spain, in Portugal, in France and other places where the government is imposing wage cuts, where thousands tens of thousands are you losing their jobs and the media say well it’s all to do with the psychology of the Greek people, it’s all to do with the manana concept in Spain, it’s all to do with the wine in Portugal.
Utter tosh!
The economic medicine that’s being imposed on those countries now is exactly the same economic medicine that’s been imposed on sub-saharan African and Latin American and South Asian countries for decades where they’ve been forced to pay an unpayable debt, where they’ve been forced to privatize public services, where they’d be forced to destroy all the gains they thought they’d made on independence from colonies.
Well that whole philosophy is now coming home to roost.
Are we going to accept this economic orthodoxy that creates poverty creates misery and creates division or are we going to fight back against it? Are we going to stand up for the values of the labor movement for socialism, for peace, for justice, for the needs of education, housing and everything else?
… They, the world’s bankers, International Monetary Fund, European Union, they are utterly United in what they want. Utterly united in deflation, suppressing the economy and creating unemployment. Utterly united in that. We need to be equally united not just across every union in this country, in every community in this country and every social demand in this country but all across Europe and internationally to show that the voice of those campaigning for peace, justice and socialism will not be silenced by these people. We will win through we will defeat them and we will win that decency that we want in this world.
You can watch the video on YouTube.