There’s a new episode, of the Citations Needed podcast titled Episode 98: The Refined Sociopathy of The Economist and featuring Alexander Zevin on his book Liberalism At Large—The World According To The Economist.
The episode is about The Economist and also about the word “liberalism”.
From the transcript:
Alexander Zevin: One of the things that book tries to do is to bring the history of imperialism into the history of liberalism, and usually they’re not spoken about together. In fact, in many histories of liberalism you’ll get the impression that liberals were anti-imperialists, they were against the empire, but The Economist, and what I argue is the dominant strand of liberalism, isn’t. It’s consistently pro-imperial from the 1850s at the time of the Crimean War, and the Opium War in China, and the Indian mutiny, and many other conflicts all the way through to the present.

picture by Alexander Zevin
Excellent discussion of the connection of liberalism and imperialism.