So Labour under the new leadership of the rank imperialist Keir Starmer has suspended Jeremy Corbyn from the party with the campaign of smears about antisemitism.
Jeremy Corbyn is far ahead of any politician in the advanced world and one of the nicest human beings. He was strongly anti-imperialist and that explains the hatred of the establishment toward him.
Unfortunately, even people who call themselves leftists—such as Owen Jones of The Guardian—tried their best to stop him from rising to power. In the 2017 elections Corbyn was really close to winning the elections and since the conservatives in the UK didn’t have a majority, Corbyn had to be stopped at all costs. So the charges of antisemitism kept appearing in the media.
There was also an internal struggle led by the now leader Keir Starmer to stop Jeremy Corbyn from taking the side of leaving the EU. Corbyn was always anti-EU, as it’s an imperialist/neoliberal institution built on the idea of free trade. But around 2016, when it was becoming apparent that the leave side was going to win, the establishment started smearing everyone as racists and xenophobic. Labour is heavily neoliberal, so except Jeremy Corbyn and a few they all wanted to remain the EU. Corbyn erred by presenting himself as a remainer before the referendum. This gave the right-wing an opportunity to exploit the situation and present themselves as the party of the working class. They knew that people would vote for them simply because voters would want to protest, not because the working class supported Conservatives‘ policies.
Jeremy Corbyn was a bit cornered and he had to pander to the remain camp and it cost him the election in 2019.
You keep hearing that neoliberalism is dead but that’s all wrong. In recent times—during the lockdown—countries have adopted expansionary fiscal policies but it’s an illusion. The politicians themselves have made it clear that those policies are temporary and would return to restrictive fiscal policy soon. Neoliberalism is stronger than ever. The fall of Jeremy Corbyn is a proof of it. So has to be fought harder than before.

Source: Instagram