Monthly Archives: April 2021

How Come The New York Times Is Endorsing Joan Robinson?

A Democratic Party operative Zachary Carter has an opinion piece The Woman Who Shattered the Myth Of The Free Market for The New York Times.

At first it might be surprising but as Glenn Greenwald says, the left loyalty to the Democratic Party has been the highest ever. The party’s most powerful people also pretend that they have moved radically left. Like a video on equity by Kamala Harris.

So NYT is promoting that the idea that the party has become radical and Joan Robison would approve Biden. If they’ve named Joan Robinson and you criticise their policies (for not doing enough) maybe the problem is with you? Are you rejecting Joan Robison? Propaganda like that.

Adam Tooze says that “Biden’s stimulus is the dawn of a new era” and JW Mason says that “It is the definitive break with neoliberalism”. So plenty of deceit happening there, with people in the left providing cover for it.

Hell, it’s even true that Biden’s policy is a change but a change to keep things constant.

And then Donald Trump was himself promoting large stimulus. He tweeted this:

STIMULUS! Go big or go home!!!

And in a video posted on Twitter, he proposed paying people $2,000 instead of $600, something the Democrats never proposed but pretended to after Trump said it.

But these Democratic Party loyalists won’t call Trump a radical. Rightly but the same standard isn’t extended to Joe Biden. So you see the deceit happening here.


The Gatekeeper: Adam Tooze On Paul Krugman’s Evolution

Snip from a Paul Krugman article from the 90s.

Adam Tooze has a nice essay on evolution on Paul Krugman’s views. It’s decent although I would critique much more if I were to write it.

There was one part which was quite amusing to me:

The hour and a half Krugman spent laying out his new trade theory at the National Bureau of Economic Research in July 1979 was, he later wrote, ‘the best ninety minutes of my life. There’s a corny scene in the movie Coal Miner’s Daughter in which the young Loretta Lynn performs for the first time in a noisy bar, and little by little everyone gets quiet and starts to listen to her singing. Well, that’s what it felt like: I had, all at once, made it.’

Imagine being so wrong but feeling this way.

Paul Krugman has shifted his views but it’s not as if he has changed for the better to benefit mankind. He is still doing whatever as an establishment hack, trying to preserve power for top corporations.

Glenn Greenwald On Corporations’ Use Of Wokeism To Prettify Imperialism

Glenn Greenwald has a new article at Substack explaining how corporations wear costumes of social justice to prettify imperialism.

The sarcasm in the article is wonderful:

Who could possibly be opposed to an institution that offers such noble gestures and works behind such a pretty facade? How bad could the GCHQ really be if they are so deeply committed to the rights of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and trans people? Sure, maybe they go a little overboard with the spying sometimes, and maybe some of their surveillance and disinformation programs are a bit questionable, and they do not necessarily have the highest regard for law, privacy and truth. But we know that, deep down, these are fundamentally good people working within a fundamentally benign institution. Just look at their flamboyant support for this virtuous cause of social justice.

Large corporations have obviously witnessed the success of this tactic — to prettify the face of militarism and imperialism with the costumes of social justice — and are now weaponizing it for themselves …

You have to appreciate the genius of the propaganda. It helps people pretend that they stand for right causes.

Stephanie Kelton Trying To “Out-Right-Wing” Joe Biden ‼

Joe Biden has been a neoliberal ghoul all his life and has helped oligarchs from a position of power. In recent times—perhaps due to pressure and threat from populists—he has adopted policies such as the recent large stimulus.

Biden is also talking of raising taxes on corporations and Janet Yellen, the US Treasury Secretary has proposed a minimum tax on corporations across countries, to prevent a race to the bottom policies.

Of course none of this means that they’re ditching neoliberalism. It is just a change to maintain the status quo. Elite preservation, basically.

There have been apologia from the left such as by J.W. Mason who has announced that there is a decisive break from neoliberalism! In general the left loyalty in the United States is the highest now, and that’s a sad thing. You won’t find for example, economists criticising Janet Yellen for conflicts of interests after taking $7.2 million in speaking fees from Wall Street, a kind of a bribe.

But there’s something even worse now. Stephanie Kelton one of the leading voices of neochartalism (or “MMT”), has a new opinion article Biden Can Go Bigger And Not ‘Pay for It’ The Old Way for The New York Times with the description:

By focusing on how much revenue they hope to raise from tax increases on the well-off, Democrats risk limiting the scope of their ambitions.

The article is deceitful too, claiming it’s not opposed to tax hikes but in the ending we see:

If Congress and the White House want to be responsible stewards of both society and the U.S. dollar’s value, then rather than focusing on taxation of the rich, they should prioritize and supply exactly what it would take, in terms of real resources, to electrify the nation’s power grid, repair every deficient bridge, give caretakers a living wage, upgrade our railways, and deliver clean drinking water and high-speed broadband to every home.

So you know, trying to out-right-wing Joe Biden, the neoliberal ghoul!

The trouble with neochartalists is that while it’s true that output can be expanded by increasing government expenditure and not increasing tax rates, that doesn’t mean that one can have like government expenditure equivalent to 50% of GDP, with taxes at some 25%. Taxes have to rise, and while more output bring in more taxes, it might not be sufficient enough and tax rates have to rise too.

Obviously, neochartalists’ political positions are a suspect. Obviously the Biden administration’s language is like from a book on neoclassical economics with arguments about “fiscal responsibility” etc, but one of the most reactionary politician has agreed to raise taxes and that is some bare minimum in the path to economic equality, so why try to puncture it?